Building Wealth is a large educational campaign created by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas as a means to provide tools and lessons about building wealth and wealth management. As part of the campaign Building Wealth was to be taught in public schools, so the lessons not only needed to be informative, but they needed to be fun and attractive to children.
A mobile app was designed for its accessibility to all. The full scale design included custom illustrations, interactive lessons, page-read audio, along with studio voice overs for the characters.
The lessons were such a success the Federal Reserve requested a trivia-style activity game be made as a way to test students on what they had learned. Wealth IQ had a variety of topics to choose from, each worth a different amount of points. If you made it through the first round without losing all your stars, a Bonus Round opportunity was given, with the possibility to get additional points. Students had a great time competing with their friends and challenging one another.